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My name is Kurt Baron, and I am the world's only consulting detective. I say only because although Sherlock Holmes was the first, he is no longer living, and Monk is not real.

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Friday, February 21, 2014

The Beginning, Middle, and End of the Universe

    “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. And the Earth was formless and void, and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the spirit of God was moving on the face of the waters.” God started by creating the lower-case-h heavens, meaning space. At this time, space is completely empty, completely dark. All of the matter in the universe was in the form of a giant ball of water, more than two light-years in diameter. More than 11,731,792,000,000 miles wide, this ball of water was truly deep. The spirit of God was above the giant ball of water, and the earth was at the center. A two light-years wide ball of water has a lot of mass, and therefore a lot of pressure. The Earth at the center of the universe is truly formless and void.
    Because the immense size of the ball of water, there is also an immense amount of gravity. Consequently, the ball of water was sitting in the middle of a gigantic black hole. The gravity is so strong, that at the center of the ball, it compresses the deep greatly, making it hot and dense. “And God said, ‘let there be light,’ and there was light.” Thermonuclear reactions begin, forming heavier nuclei from lighter ones and liberating huge amounts of energy. An intense light illuminates the interior, breaking through to the surface and ending the darkness there. The Spirit of God wraps Itself in the light, becoming the main source of light. Because the gravity, and being inside a black hole, the light falls back to the center of the ball. This is the first night, and the light (the spirit of God) and the darkness (everything else) were separated.
    “And God saw that the light was good, and God separated the light from the darkness. And God called the light day, and the darkness he called light. And there was evening and morning, one day.” The deep speeds up  its rotation as compression continues, as a ballerina spins faster when she brings her arms in. “And God said, ‘Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters.’ And God made the expanse, and separated the waters which were below the expanse from the waters which were above the expanse.”
    God begins stretching out space, as a scroll (Revelation 6:14, Isaiah 34:4), causing the ball of matter to expand rapidly thus changing the black hole into a white hole. A black hole absorbs all matter, and light cannot escape. Consequently, a black hole appears black. A white hole would the opposite, expanding away all matter instead of absorbing it. God marks off a large volume, the “expanse,” within the deep where material of particles, etc. break off, from the fusion caused by gravity. These materials cluster together, gravity pulls them together, and forms stars, planets, galaxies, clusters, etc. However, because the size of the previous black hole, the entire universe is within a ginormous event horizon, and the stars are formed, but do not shine yet.
    Normal physical processes cause cooling to proceed as rapidly as the expansion. Heat-waves are stretched out to much longer wavelengths as a relativistic consequence of the stretching of space. Eventually these stretched-out waves will become the cosmic microwave background radiation.
    Relieved suddenly of pressure, the matter underneath the expanse expands until the surface reaches ordinary present temperatures, becoming liquid water under an atmosphere. God collects various heavier atoms beneath the crust, formed from fusion reactions, laying the foundations of the earth, i.e. its core and mantle, made out of denser materials than the rest of the earth. The expansion of materials also explains tectonic plates.
    Meanwhile, the universe is expanding and stars are being formed but they are still within the event horizon of the previously black hole. As the universe (the expanse) expands, the event horizon collapses at the speed of light. As the event horizon passes each star, the new star begins giving light. By the time the event horizon reaches earth, as viewed from the earth, early on the fourth day, when God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens” (interstellar space), the light of the stars reached the earth as the event horizon reached the earth. As viewed from the earth, first there was dark, then there were stars. Consequently, during the first four days on Earth, billions of years’ worth of physical processes took place in the cosmos. This also suggests that not only is Earth the center of the universe, but the farther from Earth you go, the older the universe is. In particular, gravity has time to gather distant clusters of hydrogen and helium atoms more compact to form stars, and the light has time to reach us. The newly formed stars gather together in clusters and galaxies. While the light was on its way to earth, the universe was still expanding, creating a redshift of the light that we observe today.
    The universe was then set in motion, completely mathematically precise as discovered by Johannes Kepler in the 1600s. This theory explains redshift, the cosmic microwave background radiation, layers of the earth, tectonic plates, and distant starlight. However, I cannot present one side of the theory of the beginning of the universe without the other side. So now I present the big bang theory.
    In the beginning, billions of years ago, an infinitesimally small, infinitely dense amount of matter appeared out of nowhere. This thing was exceedingly dense, much denser than black holes. But it did not behave as it should have, possibly even tearing through the space and time fabric, but it actually exploded for no apparent reason. Then out of all the disorder and chaos of an explosion, things began to work against laws of thermodynamics and other laws to form systems of order. And on one random planet around an average star in a normal random galaxy, life came from nonlife, defying Pasteur’s laws. Consequently, all humans are, are random accidents in a chaotic universe.
   Then later, the expanding junk will someday stop and reverse direction, defying Newton’s first law, because of some invisible gravitational force of some unnamed invisible super dense matter, and eventually collapse into a super dense tiny ball of mass.
    This process will then repeat itself over and over again forever.
    I will let you pick which theory to believe. As for me, I will stick with the young earth model, which is more scientifically sound. The Big Bang theory has too many holes and is entirely unscientific. It also does not explain when, how and why Time started. Almost four thousand years later, the heavens literally declare the glory of God as the most amazing celestial object appeared in the night sky.
    “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” The celestial wonder that is known as the star has been theorized for years, from theories with comets to shooting stars. However, these theories do not align with what was recorded in the Bible. The star endured over a period of time, changed direction, and stopped over Bethlehem. No theory fits with that except that which I propose.
    First of all, to find the star, we need to know when it appeared. We know Jesus was born during the reign of King Herod, who died soon after. According to many Christians though, Herod was believed to have died in 4 B.C., making Jesus’ birth to be in 5-6 B.C. However, as I explain later, knowing the date of the death of Jesus, that would have put him at 39 when he died, but he was about thirty when he began his ministry, and it was only three years later he died. Consequently, when people look for the star, they miss it, because they are not looking at the right time period. Due to the calendar shift, Herod actually died in 1 B.C. (By the way, there is no year 0, it goes directly from -1 to 1.) This would have placed the birth of Jesus around 2-3 B.C., which fits more accurately with the Biblical model. Using planetary software such as Stellarium, we can find the star.
    Jupiter, as everyone knows, is the largest planet in our solar system. It has a diameter 11 times that of Earth, and it take 12 years to go once around the sun. It is often referred to as the King planet. In September of 3 B.C. (2 B.C. in Stellarium, because they count 0 as a year), Jupiter appeared brighter than usual, because it was doing some unusual things. If the magi had telescopes back then, they would have seen that Jupiter was in close proximity to Regulus, in the eastern sky. However, celestial syzygy would not account for an enduring star. What we see is called retrograde motion. Because we are travelling around the sun faster than Jupiter is, (12 times faster) we appear to pass Jupiter, then fall back, then pass it again. This happens regularly (once every 398.9 days) However, we do not seem to move, just as a car we are passing appears to be falling back, and we see Jupiter appear to stop, reverse direction, and loop around. Between September 3 B.C. and June 2 B.C. Jupiter loops around, right next to Regulus, appearing to crown the King Star. Remember, when viewed in Stellarium or any other planetarium program that counts year zero, add one year, so 3 B.C. become 2 B.C. in Stellarium.
    On a quick note, Regulus is in the constellation Leo the Lion. Judah is referred to as a lion in Genesis 49:9-10, so we have a king star, a king planet, and a lion of Judah.
    Revelation 12: 1-5 talks about another celestial wonder. “A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven (lower case h, i.e. space): a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon at her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head.” In September of 3 B.C. as we watch Jupiter crown Regulus, specifically on the 11-14th, as the planet and the star rise higher in the sky, Virgo the virgin rises, appearing to be clothed in the sun, with a new moon at her feet. This date, September 11-14, 3 B.C., is what I believe to be the conception of Jesus. The new moon represents a new life. Later in Revelation 12, it refers to the dragon, which is actually Herod, who tries to kill the baby and the mother and child have to flee to Egypt, just as it says in Matthew.
    Fast forward nine months, time for the birth of Jesus. In the nine months, Jupiter has finished crowning Regulus and continues on its path. As it finishes, Venus, the Mother planet, closer to Earth and therefore travelling around the sun faster, catches up to Jupiter and joins together to create the largest brightest object in the sky, second to the sun. This occurs on June 17, 2 B.C. the supposed date that Jesus was born. Meanwhile the Magi, from the East as Matthew points out, are travelling toward Jerusalem.
    Let me stop a minute and back up. Philo of Alexandria (c. 20 BC – c. 50 AD) talked about an Eastern School of Magi whose beliefs were unlike other magi and were closer to Jewish beliefs. These are believed to be descendants of Daniel and other Israelites taken into captivity to Babylon, now in Iraq. That also explains why foreign magi were interested in Jewish signs, followed a Jewish star, and worshiped a Jewish king.
    Allowing time for travel, the Magi would have arrived in Jerusalem in November, 2 B.C. Meanwhile, due to the tilt and rotation of the Earth, Jupiter now appears to be in the south. This explains why the star changed direction. The Magi followed it south, and arrived at the house (Matthew 2:11) in Bethlehem on December 25, 2 B.C. Up in the sky on this day, Jupiter began another retrograde motion and appears to have stopped on this day. The magi present the gifts to the young boy Jesus, only about 6 months old. They return, going a different route, and The Holy family flee to Egypt to escape Herod, who dies in the next year.
    Now we come to the most important time in history, the literal crux of time, the day of the cross. In Luke 23:54, the day Jesus dies is described as the preparation day before the Sabbath. John 13:1 says it was also the Passover. In Leviticus 23:5, it describes that Passover is on the 14th day of the first month, Nissan. So we are looking for a day that Nissan 14 lands on a Friday. This, however, happens every 7 years, as our calendar also fluctuates. (Christmas is never on the same day of the week twice in a row.) When combined with the knowledge that Jesus was about thirty years old when he began his ministry (Luke 3:23), John records three Passovers during Jesus’s ministry and the fact that Pilate was also a ruler (from 26-36 A.D.) The only date that aligns with all of these dates is April 3rd, 33 A.D. This also fits with the birth being in 2 B.C. meaning Jesus was only 35 when he died. 32 is about thirty, back to Luke 3:23. So now that we know that the date was April 3, 33 A.D. We can begin to look for celestial signs to accompany this radical event. The death of Jesus is recorded as being accompanied with an earthquake, the sun being darkened, tombs being opened, and the veil being torn.
    Let’s skip ahead for a minute. In Acts 2, at the day of Pentecost, 50 days after Passover, on May 22, 33 A.D. Peter addresses a rowdy crowd, referencing the death of Jesus and connecting it with Joel 2:28-32. Which talks about blood, fire, billows of smoke, the sun being darkened, and the moon turning to blood.
    Going back, according to the gospel accounts, Jesus was hung on the third hour. Jews began their day at 6:00 A.M., So Jesus would have been placed on the cross at 9:00 A.M. Darkness came on the Earth at noon, and Jesus died at 3:00 P.M., crying “Eloi, Eloi, Lana Sabachthani,” My God, my God, why have you forsaken me. On this day in celestial history, as the day ends at 6:00 P.M., and Jesus was taken off the cross, the moon rises at around 6:30, right as the sun is set. The moon is full, and on the exact opposite side of the Earth as the sun, meaning it is in a Luna Eclipse. Because the moon is in the Earth’s shadow at this time, the only light that reaches the moon is reflected through the Earth’s atmosphere and is tinted red. This is also why we have red sunsets. The moon rises a full red moon, symbolizing a full life blotted out in blood. One more thing to raise the hair on your neck: The moon rose at the feet of Virgo the Virgin.
    What does this mean? From the moment of the creation of the universe, the stars and planets had to be in the exact right positions, so that, through mathematical precision, they would align years later, on these significant dates. For example, there were only two times that Virgo was clothed in the sun, with the moon at her feet. The death of Christ did not have the sun clothing Virgo, so the only two times were at the birth of Christ and in 2010, which I believe is a sign of the end of time. For all of this to be aligned so perfectly, there has to be an all-knowing, all-powerful loving God who could do that and who would do that out of love for his people.

    In the title of this paper, I do reference the end of the world, so I will quickly say what I have to say. In Genesis and other places, the Bible says that “Adam was 130 when he had Seth,” and so on. Also, in Kings and Chronicles, it tells how long each king was, well, king. Adding up all of these dates to today, I have reached the age of the earth to be about 5,963 years old as of 2013. However, due to the inconsistency of calendars, this date could be wrong. In Revelation, the Bible mentions the thousand years of Satan’s imprisonment. All throughout the Bible, numbers play a huge role. 3 is perfect, 6 is incomplete, and 7 is complete. Consequently, the number of man, 666, or three 6s, is perfectly incomplete. Any-who, after the 1000 years, Time will be complete and we will live with Jesus forever on a new Earth. This leads me to believe that the end of the Earth will be at the end of this 7000 years, and since 1000 has not happened yet, (Satan is still loose) that leaves 6000 years. With the age of the Earth being 5963, this would put the end of the world, or rather, the return of Christ, due to calendar fluctuations, somewhere between July 27, 2048 and July 26, 2049. I allowed a year because no one know just when Jesus will return. However, due to inconsistencies in calendars, this also puts the end of the world between February 8, 2070 and February 9, 2072. If I were to pick one precise date, it would be February 9, 2071, at 1:19:59.99 PM UTC.

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